By Mike Kaminski – Director Region H



TASK FORCE – At the NPF Convention, a National Task Force was established to review the organization and provide recommendations to the executive for growing the organization in terms of membership, finances, advocacy, communications.  Sasktachewan’s President, Pat Trask, is one of the five representatives serving on this committee.


ADVOCACY – FED GOVT.  Pat Trask was invited to make a presentation on behalf of seniors in regards to the CPP review and pension in Ottawa this fall.


NPF Advocacy Committees – Mike Kaminski, 2nd VP NPF and SSAI is the executive liaison of the Health Committee that will be collecting seniors perspectives and research in regards to seniors issues on a national basis.  The four member committee will be established from across Canada.  The report will be presented at the national convention in Nova Scotia next  October.


The Petitions are in the process of being forwarded to the government to provide some consideration for seniors and to try to bring some favourable action by them.  Thank you for your support!

Seniors’ Voice – Seniors’ Stories

SSAI is able to communicate with its members four times a year through Gray Matters.  While many articles are written by executive members, articles – club celebrations are invited from the clubs throughout the province.  Your pictures and stories are very important for all the members.  Please take the time and effort to forward you club celebrations/pictures to the SSAI webmaster or to Mike Kaminski (, co-ordinator for Gray Matters

SSAI – Seniors’ Club Support 2017

Once again, as the director for Region H I would be willing to organize and manage a Fund-Raising Raffle supporting SSAI.  This is especially good to do during the year that there is no provincial raffle.  What I do want is some indication of support for the sales of tickets by each district and the clubs.  Please confirm with your co-ordinator, who in turn will confirm with me.

The math is quite simple, if each club can sell at least $100 worth of tickets, we would raise $900.00.  The sales would occur during the spring with the draw to be made at the SSAI convention in Saskatoon.  The previous year, this raffle raised $1100 for SSAI.


RESOLUTIONS: Yes, it is that time of year to reflect on the issues and concerns facing seniors in this province.  While writing a resolution doesn’t really take that long, it does require some effort to research the issue and properly frame the concern and type of action being sought.  These resolutions should be passed at the club, district and regional levels prior to the AGM.


Next SSAI Board Mtg. – January 20, 2017