We actively welcome any questions comments or suggestions for this website. Or if you just wish to talk to an executive of the SSAI, I shall be very pleased to assist you.
Send a message to

Executive board of the SSAI
President…Nicoline Warnock, Region B(4) ..306-229-3969
Past President…… Lylie Herman
1st Vice…….Barb Johnson, Region A
2nd Vice….. Maria Palmer, Region G
Secretary……………Shannon Wright………306-493-3023
Treasurer…………..Shannon Wright………306-493-3023
Mailing Address:
SSAI Treasurer, Box 455, Vanscoy, SK S0L 3J0
Reg B… Bruce Clements, Shellbrook, SK
Reg E… Linda Wright, Vanscoy, SK
Reg H(21)…. Linda Smuk, Ituna, SK
District A1… Brian Farris, Pierceland
District A2… Sandra Halseth, Livelong
District A3… Ilene Foulds, Edam
District A3a… Jean Lawes, Cut Knife
District B4… Lorraine Thibeault, Shellbrook
District B5… Paul Paquette, Christopher Lake
District B6… Karen Wildeman, MacDowall
District B6a…. Elfriede Reimer, Denare Beach
District C8…. Roland Ford, Kinistino
District E13… Ellen Fraser, Delisle
District E14… Jane Uchacz, Sasktoon
District G19… Jeanette Holder, Kenaston, SK
District H21… Paulette Haws, Kelliher, SK
District H22… Brenda Hunter, Foam Lake, SK
District J29… Kathy King / Carmen Moen, Stewart Valley, SK
Walkathon Coordinator – Joan Boyer, St. Lois, SK