Our provincial walkathon has ended for 2022.  The number of clubs that participated this year is down again compared to last year. I hope we will see an increase in the clubs involved next year. I know that Covid-19 has really impacted many of our clubs but hopefully there are better times ahead.  

The certificates were presented at the convention on June 8th & 9th.

The provincial totals were 36013.47 kms walked, 24 clubs participated and 210 members walked in 2022.  The first-place finishers are as follows:  Highest Average Kms per Walker – Watrous Senior Club – 383.70 Kms, Highest Average Kms per Club Member – Allan New Horizons – 151.10 Kms and Highest Percentage of Club Members Walked – MacDowall Seniors Club at 61.54%.  

Congratulations to Wendy Broadfoot from Allan who walked 1251.12 Kms.  Well done!! Honorable mention also to the following walkers, Earle Amendt Sr. fromWatrous who walked 889 Kms, Aida West from Shell Lake who walked 678 Kms.  A special shout out to Bernice Leonard from Ogema.  She walked 648 kms at the young age of 86.  Great job Bernice!!

Congratulations to all the clubs and all the walkers for their participation this year.  Keep up the great work. We hope you will join us again next year.

Enjoy your summer and keep safe!

Joan Boyer
Walkathon Coordinator
Box 248
St. Louis, Sk.
Phone 308-980-8151