On September 29, 2019, SSM hosted the 10TH ANNUAL SASKATCHEWAN SENIOR VOLUNTEER AWARDS at the Conexus Arts Centre in Regina.

Congratulations to Michael Kaminski for receiving the award for Advocacy!
Pat Trask nominated Michael for the award with letters of support from:
- Marvin Mackie, President of Superannuated Teachers Federation, Wadena Chapter
- Fern Haight, Past President of Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc.
- Tammy Loerzel, Administrator on behalf of Village of Invermay
Here is a summary of the nominee’s achievements:
- coached
fastball and volleyball
- developed
several programs and accessed funding
- Advancing and Developing Technological Literacy in the Community – AD TLC
- developed
several programs and accessed funding
- organized the Invermay Students Apple Computer Club –ISACC
- developed
and implement the Cross Age Tutoring program
- organized
Red Cross Youth in the school
- participated in the International Year of the Youth exchange
- organized
Red Cross Youth in the school
- served
as a Sunday reader for many years
- member of Knights of Columbus
- volunteered
with Bosco Homes & Father Larre – Big Valley Jamboree
- worked as security at event for 7 years
- lobbied
hard to maintain the library service
- developed a program and accessed funding to reduce vulnerability of seniors on internet
- chairs the local library board
People with Disabilities
- accessed
funding to purchase a community para-transit bus
- drove the paratransit bus as a volunteer
- served
as President of the local club for 8 years, co-ordinator of the district,
director of the region
- major
renovation projects for the seniors facility – writing grant applications for
- siding, roofing, windows, accessibility, flooring, new kitchen, etc.
- planned and hosted many Canada Day Celebrations for the community
- included activities which provided for intergenerational and cultural engagement
- major
renovation projects for the seniors facility – writing grant applications for
Community Hall – Worked to purchase the existing gymnasium for a new community hall
– accessed a grant program to renovate the structure and add on a dining area
Volunteer Fire Department
– served as a fire-fighter for 5 years
Hospital – Continuous lobbying to keep the local hospital open and viable
- recruited
doctors to serve Invermay
- served as a paratransit driver for nursing home residents
Health Care – served on the Sunrise Health Region – Community Health Advisory Committee
- identifying
and addressing health services issues in the area
- liaison between community and health board
- oversaw
the construction of a new Arena
- served on the Curling Club as president for many terms
- coached minor hockey and drove the hockey bus
- served as chairman of the Recreation Board
- planned and hosted many Welcoming Socials for newcomers
- managed the Operation Challenge gymnastics program for approximately 10 years
- taught ceramics, photography and woodwork to 4-H youth
History Book
- organized
the committee, accessed funding and developed the 1985 History – Parkland
- 2008 – again organized a new committee, accessed funding, collaborated with the school, researched and developed a three volume set – History
- produced several DVD’s on community histories, veterans, etc.
- served
as mayor for close to 30 years
- lobbied/accessed funds to upgrade the water/sewer system
- introduced Emergency Planning to the community
- organized
and developed the Volunteer Fire Department
- now has a 4 stall facility, two trucks and a tanker
- very well trained volunteer department serving two villages and two RM’s
– served and continues to serve as the Emergency Measure Co-ordinator
- served
as president of the Canora Teachers Association
- served as STF councillor for CTA for 8 years
- served on the Assiniboine Chapter as secretary, President and STS Liaison
- attended
SUMA regional meetings to voice the concerns of small communities
- served on the SUMA board as East Central Director, and Vice-President of Villages for ten years
- was recognized as a recipient of the Scoop Lewry Award
Emergency Preparedness
- served
on the board as a director for 6 years
- served as provincial president for 4 years
- served on Parkland Valley board – Sports Culture and Recreation
Community Entrepreneurship
- serves on Community Futures Ventures Board – director and vice chair – 6 years
- serves
on the Parkland Regional Library Board – 7 years
- many meetings with government regarding the future of Sask. Library System
- many library board meetings with the city of Yorkton
- served
on the Multi-type Library Board during its formative years
- served on the minister’s advisory committee – Inter-community Co-operation and Community Quality of Life
- served as a returning office and supervisory DRO
- served
on the executive of Superannuated Teachers – 19 years
- made presentations on Preparing for Retirement
- serves as a Public Representative on Saskatchewan College of Podiatry
Saskatchewan Division of the Red Cross
- served
as director for three years
- travelled East Central Sask. making presentations on Volunteerism
- organized Red Cross Youth in 35 high schools and the two universities
- participated in their national Strategic Planning Sessions
Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Organization
- served
on the board/executive
- represented SUMA at the FCM conference in Ottawa
- served on the Resolutions, Highways, and Strategic Planning Committees
Saskatchewan Emergency Planners Association
- served
as director
- chaired several different committees – eg. Y2K, , regional response systems, etc.
- Chaired provincial AGMs
Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism
- served
as a presenter on Fraud Prevention – 2 years
- served on the provincial board – 1 term
- made presentations on the SMART initiative (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together)
Saskatchewan Seniors’ Association Incorporated – SSAI
- served
as a board member, 2nd Vice and 1st Vice for over 8 years
- co-ordinated/chaired the resolutions activities
- emceed the provincial AGM
- presented to delegates at the AGM and regionals
- lobbied government and the opposition in regards to important seniors’ issues
- serves
on the board of the National Pensioners Federation
- attended AGMs in Saskatoon, Ottawa, Richmond, Halifax & Regina to address seniors’ issues
- participated with nine national organizations’ representatives to lobby the federal members of parliament regarding the development of a National Seniors’ Strategy.
– Worked for Statistics Canada with Seniors’ surveys and census