Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc. as an organization provides opportunity for seniors to take on leadership roles to advocate for seniors and plan events & activities.

A Coordinator represents seniors in each of the numbered districts and is elected at a district annual meeting. A Director from each of the 15 Regions (A-O) will be elected at the respective regional meeting. Coordinators and Directors are invited to attend the SSAI provincial board meetings to ensure that seniors from across the province are represented. Regional Directors are voting members on the SSAI provincial executive board. It is important to host annual district and regional meetings to network with others in your area and to elect district coordinators and regional directors to strengthen this organization. Ideally, these annual meetings are held in the spring (April/May) before the annual SSAI convention.


Region A meeting at Edam on April 15, 2025
Region B meeting at Blaine Lake in early May
District B4 meeting at Shell Lake on April 9, 2025 at Shell Lake Seniors Club
District B6 meeting at __________on __________

Region C meeting at __________on __________
Region D meeting at __________on __________

Region E meeting at __________on __________
Region F meeting at __________on __________
Region G meeting at Young on April 16, 2025 at 10AM
Region H meeting at Kelliher on April 10, 2025 at 11:30AM
District H22 meeting at Foam Lake on April 14th at 1PM


*Send us meeting info for your district/region.


District B4 meeting at Shell Lake on April 9, 2025 at Shell Lake Seniors Club
Good afternoon, District 4 Club Members:
You and the members of your club are invited to Shell Lake for the District 4 Meeting on Wednesday, April 9th.  Thank you to the Shell Lake Seniors Club for hosting us this year.  Registration will take place between 10:30 and 11:30 followed by a soup, sandwich & dessert lunch.  Cost of the lunch is by donation with a recommended $5 minimum.  Entertainment will follow lunch and the District 4 meeting will start at 1:30 p.m.  We should be finished by 3:30 p.m.  If you aren’t interested in lunch or entertainment, you are welcome to attend just the meeting.
We have seven clubs in our district:  Big River, Blaine Lake, Canwood, Chitek Lake, Marcelin, Shell Lake and Shellbrook.  All members of SSAI from your clubs are welcome to attend and to vote at the meeting.  We will discuss SSAI business, hear reports from the clubs, and elect a co-ordinator.  
I encourage anyone interested to let their name stand for the position of coordinator.  As coordinator, you will keep in touch with our seven clubs and give help and advice when needed.  You are invited to attend provincial executive Dialpad meetings with no vote.  The coordinator tries to ensure that communication between our clubs and between the clubs and provincial SSAI flows smoothly.
I look forward to seeing you at Shell Lake. Closer to the meeting date, I will be asking for numbers of intended attendees, so be sure to talk up the District 4 meeting at your meetings and plan to come by the busloads.
Attached is a poster to put up in your halls.


Region A meeting at Cutknife on April 25
Region B meeting at Shellbrook on May 3
District 4 meeting at Big River on April 16
District 6 meeting at Laird on April 3
District 6A has elected coordinator Elfriede Reimer
Region E – District 13 meeting on March 20 at Delisle
Region F
District 16 meeting at Vonda on April 5
District 17 meeting at LeRoy on April 12
Region G meeting at Watrous on April 30

Bengough will be hosting District 33 meeting.