2018 Federal Budget Only Mentions Pension Protection Strategy

Finance Minister Bill Morneau stated in the 2018 budget that the government will be consulting with workers, pensioners, and businesses on how best to ensure secure retirement for Canadians. It is a step in the right direction, but we must keep the pressure on politicians. The National Pensioners Federation, in coordination with other leading advocacy groups, Canadian Federation of Pensioners (CFP) and CARP, are reaching out to engage our members and concerned citizens to hold the government accountable for protecting pensioners.

PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION ON THE NPF Website:  https://nationalpensionersfederation.ca/join-in-the-pension-protection-campaign/

Call for the Government to Act on Pension Protection Strategy

It has been well over 100 days since the federal government announced in its 2018/2019 budget that it was finally going to take some action to address the critical need to improve pension protection in insolvency. While the budget line was nothing more than a lukewarm promise to consult, it was progress, we thought.

Since then, CFP our partner coalition have had informal conversations with politicians and bureaucrats about next steps, but the results have been empty promises. No concrete steps have been taken to address the risks that face far too many corporate pensioners. After 100 days, there is no excuse for their inaction.

Time is up!

Hanging in the balance

Thousands of Sears pensioners will see their pensions slashed while millions of other Canadians remain at risk. Our retirees deserve better.

Senior’s Coalition groups across Canada have been calling on the government to legislate super-priority status for unfunded pension liabilities. If a company goes bankrupt, pensioners should be paid first! But the government has failed to act.

We must pressure our politicians to do what’s right.

If you believe retirees deserve better treatment, email your MP to demand super-priority for pensioners now.

Take Action Now

Email Your MP to Put Pensioners First

Please urge your MP to support new laws that will protect pensioners in the event of bankruptcy. Pensioners’ financial security and livelihoods depend on it.
Take Action: Email Your Federal Representatives
Simply select the text with your cursor, and copy & paste it in a blank email. There you can make edits like adding your name, and separating the subject line and body copy.

To: Find your MP’s email address by searching on ourcommons.ca

CC: justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca, andrew.scheer@parl.gc.ca, jagmeet@ndp.ca

Subject line: Why the inaction on employees pension security?


Dear MP,

Across Canada, this message is being sent to MPs by their constituents. We represent hundreds of thousands of Canadians who believe it is past time for Parliament to act to change Canada’s insolvency legislation to protect pensioners.

It’s been over 100 days since the federal government announced in its 2018 / 2019 budget that it would finally take action to address the critical need to improve pension protection in insolvency. Since then, we’ve seen no concrete progress. In the meantime, the financial livelihood of millions of Canadians remains at risk.

We’re tired of broken promises and empty platitudes. We call on all parties to act now.

Liberals, you won a decisive majority in 2015, with a promise to increase retirement security. After three years, Canadians with corporate pensions are no more secure than they were then. Our message has been loud and clear: we support extending super-priority status to pension deficits and encourage you to legislate this protection immediately.

Conservatives, you passed legislation giving super-priority to current pension contributions. That was a great step, but it didn’t go far enough. As official opposition, we call on you to hold the government’s feet to the fire, and commit to super-priority for all unfunded pension liabilities as part of your 2019 election platform.

NDP, we support Bill C-384, introduced by MP Scott Duvall, and encourage you to continue to do everything in your power to bring Bill C-384 to the floor.

Please take this message to your caucus in Ottawa and add your voice to the MPs that support pension security for Canadians.

Thank you,

A Voter In Your Riding