We held our SSAI Provincial Bowling March 11th and 12th, 2017 at Prince Albert.
We had:
- four 50/50 draws
- a Silent Auction
- sold tickets on a set of bowling balls
- a delicious banquet Sunday evening followed by awards
Hopefully more teams can join all fun the next year!
1st Place – Minds in the Gutter 7004
- Walter Fernet
- Dorina Marescal
- Duane Sweatman
- Wanda Sweatman
- Les Wardrop
2nd Place Canwood #2 6644 – 360
- Vince White
- Eileen Hamborg
- Ken Jensen
- Ken Moar
- Norm Beaulieu
3rd Place Rosetown Rollers 6578 – 462
- Brian Anderson
- Hope Smith
- Dale Der
- Bob Smith
- Bill Shkolny

POA Men’s
– Vince White + 322

POA Women’s
– Wanda Sweatman +310 325

Jack Brayshaw
won the Bowling Balls