SSAI has been serving as the voice of seniors for Saskatchewan, . . .
especially so in the past year and more so since the new budget was passed.

SSAI has circulated a petition in regards to the additional charge of $5 per prescription.

We have met with the Opposition critic in regards to all the outstanding issues . ..  especially from the previous year.

In addition, I have met with the federal MP for Yorkton regarding seniors issues – both provincial and national.

Furthermore, we met with the government’s Health Services committee to underline the issues and lack of collaboration and communications with the government.

Our organization, through resolutions, will be endorsing the issues that are of high priority and are considered to be of an emergent nature.  This will be done at the AGM in June.

I am attaching some of the documents for your reference.  (click on the images)

I thank you for your interest, and invite you and other seniors to become more engaged in voicing seniors issues.


Mike Kaminski