Dear SSAI members,
I just wanted to follow up and send out some updates after our Executive/Directors meeting that was held by teleconference this morning.
Our Annual Bowling Tournament in March was cancelled. All registration fees were refunded before the end of our Financial year on March 31st. We had expenses from purchasing trophies/pins, and bowling balls which would have been raffle prizes. No bowling raffle tickets were sold prior to the event. Perhaps we can use these trophies, and raffle prizes for our next Annual Bowling tournament.
Walkathon – We still want to encourage seniors to be active during this pandemic, however we do want everyone to STAY SAFE. Linda Boyer will still collect information from clubs for the walkathon this year.
SSAI Convention for June 3-4, 2020 has been CANCELLED. – A motion was passed at our meeting that the executive will have the authority to perform required tasks (approve annual financial statement, etc.) A motion was also passed that the current executive and director positions will continue for another year.
The SSAI lottery/Raffle tickets (with $2500 in cash prizes) will still go ahead as planned. The draw will still be completed on June 4th, 2020. Please return all tickets (sold and unsold) along with all money from ticket sales to Shannon Wright Box 455, Vanscoy, SK S0L3J0 before the end of May (Please allow extra time for mail delivery by Canada Post and consider mailing your tickets no later than May 15th.) I will try to make a video of the draw and post it on the website after June 4th.
Resolutions – Mike Kaminski has been working on resolutions. The executive/directors are reviewing these resolutions in the next couple of days and then will be passing these forward as appropriate.
Dwayne Turcotte has been communicating with Minister Kaeding re: vulnerable seniors in our rural communities.
Membership fees for 2020 can be mailed to Shannon anytime before March 31, 2021. Fees are $5/person.
We wish everyone well during this difficult time.