Writing Fiction & Non-fiction
with Judith Silverthorne
Have you always wanted to write? Don’t know where to begin?
Explore the world of words with some key tips to get you started
and engage your readers.
Tuesdays from 1-2pm (6 sessions)
March 8, 2022 through to April 12, 2022
Participate by telephone – before the workshop, you will receive a phone call from the program to join the conference call.
FREE! Space is limited. Only 15 participants. Must Register in Advance.
To register, contact
Shannon Wright by phone: 306-493-3023 or by email: info@saskseniors.com
Judith Silverthorne is a writer and film and video producer from Saskatchewan, Canada. She is the author of numerous books for children, young adults and adults, including Honouring the Buffalo: A Plains Cree Legend, an all-ages picture book, and Convictions, a YA novel, and several time slip series of novels for children, as well as non-fiction books for adults.
This workshop is hosted by Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc.
in partnership and collaboration with Saskatchewan Arts Alliance.
Funding for this workshop has been provided by
Government of Saskatchewan – Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport.