
Send us your call to action!  Resolutions are very important to SSAI as an organization. The resolutions enable us to develop policy and advocacy in addressing Seniors’ Issues. It is through this process that the members are engaged and actively involved in the organization.  Each year at convention, delegates discuss resolutions submitted by members and clubs.

Write and send your own advocacy letter!  Your voice matters!  We can’t do it without you! 
SSAI has sent advocacy letters but we need your help.  We have prepared advocacy letter templates for you to personalize and send on your own.  Clubs may also want to revise the letter template and submit a letter on behalf of your local seniors with signatures from all of your supporting members. 

Letter templates:

Coverage for
Shingles Vaccine

Funding for
Diabetic Supplies

Canadian Dental Care Program

NOTE: Contact your local MLA, your local MP, Ministers/Critics responsible for Health and Seniors, and Provincial and Federal Party Leaders.

Hon. Jeremy Cockrill, Minister of Health
Hon. Lori Carr, Minister of Mental Health and Addictions, Seniors and Rural and Remote Health
Vicki Mowat, Saskatchewan NDP Critic Health
Keith Jorgenson, Saskatchewan NDP Critic Seniors

Hon. Joanne Thompson, Federal Minister of Seniors
Hon. Mark Holland, Federal Minister of Health
Anna Roberts, Federal Shadow Minister for Seniors
Dr. Stephen Ellis, Federal Shadow Minister for Health


At the SSAI convention in June 2024, delegates discussed resolutions on the following topics: Shingles Vaccine, Supplies for Diabetics, Federal Dental Plan, and Seniors housing.

The resolutions committee met on Oct 23, Nov 27, and Feb 5 to discuss their research on these topics and prepare advocacy letters.

SSAI has received resolutions on the topic of Shingles Vaccine each year dating back as far as 2017.  After several years of advocacy and sending letters from SSAI to provincial health ministers, MLAs, and opposition critics, there has been no progress on this issue and our calls for change have largely been ignored.  If seniors are serious about wanting our government to provide funding for shingles vaccines for seniors, then we need a stronger voice – we need more seniors to take action and voice their concerns to their local MLA, health minister, minister for seniors, and our Premier.

On the resolution topic of funding for Diabetic supplies, Bill-C64, An Act Respecting Pharmacare, received Royal Assent on October 10, 2024, and the Ministry of Health said it is now focused on reaching bilateral agreements with provinces and territories to implement the first phase of its national pharmacare program, covering access to contraception and diabetes medications.  We must advocate for our provincial government to work with the federal government to implement the national pharmacare program including coverage for diabetes medications.

The Canadian Dental Care Program has been evolving over the last year.  On the resolution topic of improving coverage, SSAI has decided to advocate for revising the eligibility criteria and the inclusion of a coordination of benefits so that individuals who pay for private insurance would be eligible for the CDCP to cover the portion of dental expenses that are not covered by their other insurance plans.  There was also concern about dentists initially not participating in the program, but the federal government has been working to make it easier for all dentists to provide the CDCP coverage.  Oral health professionals play a vital role and their participation in the CDCP is voluntary.

There were several resolutions presented on the topic of housing options for seniors.  The resolution committee has deferred these resolutions to our convention planning committee.  At our upcoming convention June 11-12, 2025, we plan to have a discussion panel on the topic of seniors housing.  We encourage you to attend convention to participate in this conversation.