Now Available: Watch video recordings of the presentations
Day 1 – June 8, 2022
Shan Landry
- Strategic Planning
- Home Supports Initiative
- Age Friendly Communities
- Positive Aging
Shon Profit
- the Importance of the Arts for Health and Well-being
Lynn Oliphant
- Managing in a Rapidly Changing World
Day 2 – June 9, 2022
Carrie Catherine
- Reconciliation Saskatoon and
Dr. Poornima Sathi
- Vaccines for Older Adults and Drug Interactions
Bill Brooks and June Gawdun
- Saskatoon Council on Aging
Shon Profit
- Continuing the Conversation; When Words Fail
- How the arts can be applied to reset and deepen relationships with those who are living with moderate to advanced dementia
Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc. hosted their Annual Convention
June 8th and 9th, 2022
THEME: Supporting one another in the community
FEATURING: Interactive/Engaging Speakers & Presentations · Banquet 50/50 Draws · Silent Auction · Socializing · Walkathon update · Club Reports Resolutions · Nominations · Networking · AGM Elections · LIVE STREAM / Recorded
Where: Heritage Inn, Saskatoon
102 Cardinal Crescent For Reservations Phone: 306-665-8121
Please call to book your own hotel room
*Clubs are asked to donate/bring an item for the Silent Auction.
Registration Fee is $75 per person – Includes: 2-day convention, coffee, lunches, snacks, Banquet supper. Note: Extra Banquet Tickets are $25 each
Voting Delegates: From the SSAI Bylaws page 14: “Article 7 – Clubs 7. Each club shall elect 2 voting delegates for each 50 members or portion thereof, 3 for 51 to 100, 4 for 101 to 150, 5 for 151 and over members that per capita fees have been paid on, to a maximum of 5 to attend the convention.”
Any person may become a member if they pay the prescribed fee to the Association or club. Members at Large (no club available in their area) shall be entitled to vote.
Regional Directors and District Coordinators are elected at Regional and District annual meetings; Directors and Coordinators are also Voting Delegates at SSAI convention.
NOTE: In Regions and Districts where annual meetings have not already occurred this year, SSAI will be accepting nominations to fill vacant positions for directors at this convention.
Everyone is welcome to attend! Registration is required.
For those unable to attend in person: Watch online video or purchase DVD recording Visit our website for links to videos. Must pre-order and pay for DVD copy.
Thanks to our SSAI Convention 2022 Sponsors:

Thanks to our Supporters:
SSAI would also like to acknowledge the support of Saskatchewan Seniors Mechanism and the Saskatchewan Lottery Trust Fund for SSAI Outreach to Seniors. Some of their funding pays for the quarterly distribution of the SSAI newsletter in Gray Matters, for printing and postage expenses, and costs associated with providing livestream and recordings of this event.
Special thanks to Aspen Films for their technical expertise and for their in-kind discount for this event.

Thanks to everyone who donates to the silent auction at convention including:

Thanks to Staples for their quality print service and their discounts on printing our convention programs and other SSAI documents.
Saskatchewan Seniors Association Inc. is hosting a variety of creative arts Studio Without Walls programs this year in partnership and collaboration with Saskatchewan Arts Alliance. Funding for these programs has been provided by Government of Saskatchewan – Ministry of Parks, Culture and Sport.